IT-Studywork 2013

My bachelors’ thesis is up for voting at till 11th may. If you got 1 minute of time, head over there and vote for me. The title of the thesis is Enhanced Android Security to prevent Privilege Escalation. The Continue Reading …

Wie schreibe ich eine Hausarbeit?

Was soll dieser Text? Mit Haus- oder Seminararbeiten beginnt die Hinführung an das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, welches spätestens bei einer Bachelorarbeit beherrscht werden sollte. Leider ist es nicht ganz einfach in diese Denk- und Arbeitsweise hinein zu kommen. Je nach Universität, Continue Reading …

Anonymity in Networks I

Last semester I wrote a paper about the basics of anonymity in networks, especially the internet. The paper is publicly available, as I think academic papers should be as free, as possible. The paper originates from the proseminar “Network Hacking” at Continue Reading …

Bash Example Script #2

I have added the following function to my bash example script: # Run external command and only procced, when exit code is 0 function try { $@ returnValue=$? echo “$returnValue” if [ $returnValue -ne 0 ] then log $ERROR “$@ Continue Reading …