Gears 0.5.33 Workaround

I created a workaround for my gears problem by manually changing the version number within the .xpi file from 0.5.32 to 0.5.33. It seems to be working. Since yesterday there was no attempt for an automatic update. You can download Continue Reading …

Gears 0.5.33

Gears tried to update itself automatically, but stopped with an error telling, it is not compatible with my system, all the time. My workaround: uninstall, and install it manually failed. I was not able to install it again. The file Continue Reading …

Qemu and Samba

I use Samba to share files between my host and guest system in Qemu. Reading files on the host worked from the beginning, without problems. Writing not. Solution: Simply set the access permissions for the folder to 777. Is my Continue Reading …