X1 Carbon Setup

I just got my Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Laptopt. There are some things, that bothered me during installation of my Arch Linux, that I want to keep here for archivation reasons. Might help somebody.

UEFI is not nice… At least I learnd a lot while setting everything up, and there was less manual work than expected. But there was some other manual work for my setup. This post is work in progress, as there might be some more stuff coming, that I encounter.

Neo Keyboard

I am still using the Neo keyboard layout. The caps lock key is used here, to go to layer 3 on the keyboard. Unfortunately the X1 does not have a caps lock key, but a Pos1 and End key at this position instead. The proposal I got in the #neo help channel was really worthy to think about (“am besten jemand verprügeln für dieses furchtbare tastaturlayout”), but I decided to solve the problem directly at my keyboard. I updated the neo.map and replace the entries of the keycodes 102 and 107 with AltGr to make those keys behave as they should for me. You can also download my edited one if you want.

Till now I weren’t able to set both keys in Gnome accordingly. To set Pos1 & End to act as caps lock create the file ~/.Xmodmap using the command:

xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap

Change the lines with the keycodes 110 and 115 and replace the Home/End with ISO_Level3_Shift. Also add the Shift for keycode 66, to make external (normal) keyboards work:

keycode  66 = ISO_Level3_Shift
keycode 110 = ISO_Level3_Shift NoSymbol Home NoSymbol Home
keycode 115 = ISO_Level3_Shift NoSymbol End NoSymbol End

Then run

xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

to apply the new map file.


Touchpad is not yet propperly working. But this made it a bit better: http://major.io/2013/08/24/get-a-rock-solid-linux-touchpad-configuration-for-the-lenovo-x1-carbon/


Set nautilus to always show the address bar. Switch on org>gnome>nautilus>preferences>always-use-location-entry in dconf-editor


Some problems with gdm not showing the desktop after powersafe-mode could be solved by creating the file /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf and putting there:

options i915 enable_rc6=0